TMCH Trademark Registration

The trademark name must be an exact match with the registered trademark. If the name contains accents, spaces, or special characters, these must be included.
Jurisdiction where the trademark has been registered.
Status of the filer
This is the email address the TMCH will use to notify you when someone registers this trademark in a supported extension. Learn more
Fill in the Declaration of proof of use you have downloaded, then upload it here in PDF format.

Download declaration of proof of use template

Upload a document proving you are using the trademark, such as a screenshot from your website. The trademark on the document must be an exact match with the trademark you want to register at the TMCH, and your exact company name must be present as well. This document must be in JPG, PNG, or PDF format.

Usually a website screenshot of the exact brand and company name. Jpg, png, or pdf, smaller than 1 MB.

TMCH registration duration


TMCH will automatically protect some variations of your trademark name at no additional cost. Learn more